A handbag, or purse in American English, is a handle medium-to-large bag that is often fashionably designed,typically used by women, and used to hold personal items such as wallet/coins keys, gloves, cosmetics a hairbrush mobile phone or personal digital assistant, feminine hygiene product.
Handbags come in different sizes, shapes and colors. There are really small sized bags and some really big sized ones, too. Actually, there are many different types of handbags. The categories are clutch, satchel,duffel tote and briefcase types.
The chic barrel bag style
Most women own more than one purse. A single handbag would not be suitable for every occasion or coordinate with every dress. Thus we find different handbag styles to suit different occasions and needs. One such style is barrel bag.The barrel bag is so called because it has a cylindrical shape resembling that of a barrel lying sideways! In other words, it has more space horizontally than vertically. These bags usually have thin, long straps. Barrel-shaped clutches are a variation of the barrel bag.
One shoulder bag
The shoulder bag is a generic term for any bag, usually large, that is carried over ones’ shoulder. The advantage of a shoulder bag is that it has a number of compartments to carry stuff, for example, your wallet, cell-phone, cosmetics, important papers and jewelry. Most ladies own at least one shoulder bag especially since it is considered to be fashionable to carry it.
The new style hobo bag
Hobo bags are medium or large crescent-shaped bags that tend to droop. They usually have large adjustable straps with which you can hang the bag on the shoulders. These bags are usually made of soft materials such as leather, micro-fiber or suede.
Hobo bags combine fashion with utility. These bags are designed to carry essential objects such as the cell phone, the wallet, cosmetics and jewelry. In fact, some bags are large enough to carry even a set of clothes, a camera or toys.
Clutch Wallet, bags
A lady needs different kinds of purses for different purposes. For example, a purse that is designed for everyday use tends to be large and made of material that can withstand daily usage. On the other hand, purses that are used for special events or occasions should be compact.
Clutch wallets are small rectangular bags that are designed to carry the essential accessories like credit cards, keys, cell-phone and money. These wallets can either be used as clutches or can be used as wallets to be kept inside your purse. They are ideal for short trips, for example, to the local grocery store or on a short social visit.
baguette handbag
Baguette Bags are often called Fendi bags after Silvia Venturini Fendi who launced them in 1997.She is famous for giving her creations the names of foods. Thus the Fendi bag is named after the French bread, baguette! The bags were designed for busy affluent socialites. Baguettes are slim, rectangular purses that could either be held under the arm or in one’s hand. However, over the years as the bags evolved, they have acquired designs wherein they sport slender short straps or come in the form of clutches.
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